Thursday, January 31, 2008

Valokuvatorstai haaste 77 / photo thursday challenge 77

The challenge 77 of Valokuvatorstai is to assosiate from a poem:

Yks voima sydämehen kätketty on…
On voima, mi mielet nuorentaa…
Yksi on voima ylitse muiden…

[ a force hidden in a heart, a force, which turns the old mind young, a force, that is omnipotent over all others] (translations skills of mine are not too omnipotent, thou)

My version is as far as possible from poetic approach, I just took a picture of brain and I thought that it has to fit in for this weeks challenge..

The answer is: The power of Brain!!! (we only use less than 10% of its capacity and its located near by the sould)

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At 1:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hyvä oivallus. Tosin harvallapa meistä on tilaisuus aivoja kuvata...

At 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vau, loistava ajatus...ei liene kuitenkaan omakuva :)

At 3:02 pm, Blogger Aleksur said...

cheers, ei ole omat aivot (onneksi) vaan sian aivoituksikkaat aivonystyrät. Joskus sattuu hyvä tuuri kun kameran kans liikuskelee ;)

At 1:25 am, Blogger The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya said...

Okay, I blog only in English but I loved the translation of the poem and the pictures are awesome.



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