Exploring Photographing / Auroras Borealis
Just a little more than year ago I got my sister's old Pentax Camera with good optics on loan (till her daughter gets old enough to start using it). During this time I have taken hundreds of photos exploring how the camera works and how I can play with all different functions. - I cannot believe that I have managed to live without a good camera for so many years, just using shitty 40 pounds (IRL) camera, thou, managed to take few funny pics with that also.I heard that it is difficult to catch an image of Northern lights on film. One night here was a fantastic Auroras in Northern sky and I ran home to catch my camera, when I was ready with the camera the Auroras.. were almost disappeared but still enough left to try catch on a film. And the result is not so bad at all, despite the slight movement what happened during the long exposing time. - what I learned from this, never believe before you have tried by your self! :)

hi, aleksi. you have at least one fan :) nice pics!
ciao bello
WOW, beautiful photos... I get homesick...almost. Happen to be in beautiful Great Barrier Reef at the moment myself so I don't suffer too much from homesickness...hehehe...
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