The Nordic Kings Family Tree / alternative version of Nordic history
The history of Scandinavia and north has been dominated by Vikings and Scandinavians last thousand years. In the east, Russia became a strong inheriting its strength from Bysant. There was Finland in between and never managed to develop infrastructure of state or Kingdom.That has been the common knowledge according our existing history. Thus, is it the whole truth? Despite the fact that the winners are always writing the history there is some amount of archeological and written leads that gives a possibility to interpreter the history differently.
Before the Viking era 4th – 7th century AD Finland was relatively strong and independent i.e. in armory and jewelry making. Also Finland had strong trade links to Baltic and middle Europe not trough Scandinavia, not forgetting the Finno-Ugrian tribes, which were occupying the land far till the Ural mountains in the east (2000 km X 2000 km). The history hasn’t explained why the Vikings didn’t occupy Finland even thou they were influencing and terrorizing the whole Europe and were dominating the river routes in Russia - it has been claimed that the land was too difficult to access and travel and there were not big cities where the valuable goods could be found, which lowered the interest to occupy it. But is that the whole truth, maybe or maybe not. Lets think if there were organized state or chieftain system with accountable armed forces that prevented the possible occupation?
(the red colour shows what area finnish speaking tribes where occupying 1400 - 1500 years ago)
How Finland was and what was it before drowned under the Swedish crown? Then we have to dig into Sagas and old Germanic literature. According Widsith 6th century AD and Saxo Grammaticus 1190 Finland was not unorganized barbaric land, instead it was accounted as similar “Kingdom” as any other Nordic Kingdom.
By end of 10th century Orkneyinga- and Hversu Noregr bygdistí sagas are saying that Finland and Kvenland were some kind of base Kingdom for whole Nordic, from where the Royal Houses of Norway and Denmark were established. Those sagas also mention that from Finland were sent many Kings and Queens to rule, especially many Queens in Sweden came from Finland.
The family tree of Finnish Kings is presented with more details in a introduction of Orkneyinga saga (Fundinn Noregur) starting from the King Fornjotr (the giant), but the Scandinavian historians (including some Finnish) are constantly dismissing these as a mythical information, not historical (same time downgrading the sagas as a historical sources).
The Germanic literature contains mentions of Finnish from year 600; the oldest source is Widsith, which lists of Kings in an era of Tribal movement between 4th – 5th century. There is an entry: Caesare weold Graecum, ond Caelic Finnum, (the ceasar ruled Greeks and Caelic finns). Academic Kustaa Vilkkuna concluded that “Caelic” is a word of Kaleva with gothic –ic (-ik) ending. (Carelia, Karjala, Kaleva, Kalev. Kalik, Caelic).
A Danish researcher Gudmund Schütte argues that the Finnish Egther Fynnens mentioned in Saxo Grammaticus is the father of Beowulf (hero); Ecgtheow. And surprisingly this name is found from Finnish folklore, in Väinämöisen tuomio (Väinämöinen’s judgment): Syntyi poika Poimarissa (Paimio) Emo kutsui Ehtaroksi (=Egther Fynnensis?)… Iso kutsui Ismoriksi, Emo Ehtoopoiaksehen. – Ehtoo-Ehtaro, which was made a king of Paimio, could be the finn mentioned in Saxo Grammiticus, Egther Fynnensis and also as in the Beowulf-saga’s Ecgtheow that was Beowulf’s father. Ecgtheow was from waegmudingas family, compare to Finnish Osmo-Osmoinen Scandinavian version Osmund.
Could it be that Väinö-Väinämöinen’s Scandinavian spelling is Waegmund, which is spelled Wäimund, if it so, Ecgtheow from Beowulf was related to Väinämöinen family, and therefore, he was Väinöläinen. That surename has been mentioned in literature up till 1400 in Masku (Finland).
The best sources of Finnish Kings are Icelandic sagas (Orkneyinga-, Historia Neorwegiae-, Hversu Noregr bygditz-, Egil-, Ynglinga-, Kettil Haengrin- and Bardr) from 11th – 13th century. The sagas are telling Scandinavian and Germanic historical happenings including Finnish Kings. All the sources counted together Finnish and Kvenish Kings are mentioned thirty times.
According Orkneyinga- and Hversu Noregr bygdist sagas a part of Scandinavian God mythology is deriving from Finnish Kings. For example, The Finnish King Fornjotr’s sons Hler, Loge and Kare have ended up in the god mythology. Hler went to Denmark and conquered; Hlesey = Laesö, island and established a ruling seat / family. In sagas Hler turned into Aegir, the god of the sea. Loge established a ruling seat in northern Norway, which becomes Haalogaland. Loge is turned into the god of fire.
A Kvenish King Torro and his midwinter sacrifice feast become the Scandinavians name for January (swe: januari). His dother Gois or Goa became February (swe: februari).
Orkneyinga- and Hversu Noregr bygdist sagas tell that there is several kings from Finland or Kvenland that went to rule Sweden i.e. Östen Gylf, as in the similar way than the ruling houses were established in Norway and Denmark.
Moreover, sagas say that a Prins from Kvenland, Norr, concurred Norway and became its first King. After him Norway got its name. Harald the fairhair is descendant from Norr directly.
Gor, the son of King Torr established a dynasty of sea-kings in Denmark and his grandson Östen Gulf took the crown of Sweden. In Norway, sea admiral Rognvald’s (descended from Gor) son Gange Rolf concurred Normandy and the Rouen-jarls and Orkney-jarls are descended from and later the Vilhelm The Conquer established a dynasty in England 1066 AD.
(for better view visit: )
Olaus Magnus’ Carta Marina (1500) defines the Finnish area as: Finlandia-Vel-Finningia Olim Regnum, the ancient Finnish Kingdom.
(Carta Marina)
From year 1985 the researchers from Oulu University had found settlements and graves from the areas where the Sagas place the old Kvenland, these findings are from Roman Iron age and The Great Immigration era, which gives credibility for the alternative history of The North.
Messenius said 1600 AD that Finnish kings were using practical laws and they had similar rune language / writing system than Scandinavians.
Finland-Kvenland Kingdom vanished in 400 hundreds years. From year 800 Finland was between two powers, Vikings and Russians. The Finnish kingdom still existed in some way 12th century. Al Idrisi wrote 1154 AD in his world atlas where Ruija was that Finnish Kings were having holdings there. This proves that Finland had a King still at that time and it was known as far as Sicily where Al Idrisi was living at that time.
Finland ended up under the Swedish rule 1249-50 (not in 1155 as been claimed), which was the end of the saga of Finnish Kings. the origin of Royal houses in Europe were avoided to be linked to Kvenland and Finland and for political reasons the systematic undermining and hiding of Finnish past did its job as we can see from history teaching in Nordic schools where the Finnish history starts from the era when Sweden came to the power and was ruling the country. Before that Finland was filled with a bunch of un-literal, barbaric hunters, we can learn from history books at schools.
But the story of Forjotr-family survived, thanks for sagas that were written before the Finnish kingdom disappeared. Sagas are not the only source of Forjotr blood line, the most famous, Viking era, poet, Skaldi: Tjodoly Hvini, he was singing in Harald the Fairhairs’ court, according the oldest Scandinavian text 800-900 AD Yngligatal, about a gigantic Loge, which was Fornjotr’s blood line. And why he wouldn’t sing about Fonjotr because he was Harald the Fairhair’s ancestor.
Snorri Sturluson 1220’s used Ynglingatal as a source for Ynglingasaga but he does not mention Fornjotr, only in a quotation from Tjodov Hvinil. - Finland had lost its glory by then and it was not”politically correct” to lead the origin of the royal houses to Finland. After all Snorri could not completely dimish Finnish past, he did not call Finnish and Kvenish leaders as kings, although he mentioned several chieftains from there. But many Swedish kings, according him, went to get wives from Finland. It is not likely that Kings from Sweden went to marry just peasant girls.
Fundinn Noregr -, Hversu Noregr bygdist - and Historia Norwegiae are older sagas than Snorri’s and they consist older information same as in Ynglingatal where the Finnish Kings are mentioned. Moreover, Widsith from 6th century, Saxo Grammaticus from 1190 and the Sicilian Moslem Al Idrisi in his world atlas 1154 ad, were mentioning Finnish Kings gives a good reason to reconsider Nordic history by using detailed descriptions of Fornjotr-family. Maybe the Fornjotr-King-family is not a mythological introduction of the Nordic pre-history; it could be a real history from 400-700 ad. It is no wonder that some sagas sound, in some extent, mythological because it was passed orally for generations, over 600 years. Of course, some inaccuracies must have occurred but it does not justify abandoning Fornjotr-saga or trough into a well of mythology as most of the historians and saga researchers had done. Why Vikings would mention Finnish and Kvenish Kings in the first place if they would not have existed in a way or another, and why it was placed in Finland and Kvenland in the first place.
source: translated from Arto Pöllänen's article: Olivatko viikinkikuninkaat suomalaisia? (were the viking kings finnish)
I found this family tree from internet (beneath), it a good example to see what people can do to find they ancesters.
Descendency Chart for of Kvenland Family
0. King Fornjotor of Kvenland - was born about 0160, lived in Finland. He had a child named King Kari Fornjotsson In Kvenland
1. King Kari Fornjotsson In Kvenland - was born about 0185, lived in Finland. He had a child named King Frosti Karasson In Kvenland
2. King Frosti Karasson In Kvenland - was born about 0210, lived in Finland. He had a child named Jokull Frostasson
3. Jokull Frostasson - was born about 0240, lived in Finland. One of his 2 children was King in Kvenland Snaer Jokulsson
4. King in Kvenland Snaer Jokulsson - also known as: Svaer - He had a child named King in Knevland Thorri Snaerrsson
5. King in Knevland Thorri Snaerrsson - was born about 0320, lived in Raumsdal, Norway. He had a child named Gor Thorrarsson
6. Gor Thorrarsson - was born about 0365, lived in Raumsdal, Norway. He had a child named Heytir Gorrsson
7. Heytir Gorrsson - was born about 0425, lived in Raumsdal, Norway. He had a child named Svidri Heytsson
8. Svidri Heytsson - was born about 0600, lived in Norway. He had a child named Sveidi "the Sea King" Svidrasson
9. Sveidi "the Sea King" Svidrasson - also known as: Sveithi - was born about 0650, lived in Raumsdal, Norway. He had a child named Halfdan "the Aged" Sveidasson
10. Halfdan "the Aged" Sveidasson - was born about 0700, lived in Oppland, Norway. He had a child named Ivar Halfdansson
11. Ivar Halfdansson - was born about 0770, lived in Oppland, Norway. He married Daughter of Eistein about 0824 while living in Oppland, Norway. Daughter was born about 0785, lived in Trondheim, Norway. She is the daughter of Eystein Hognasson and Aseda Rognyaldsson. They had a child named Eystein Ivarsson
12. Eystein Ivarsson - also known as: Glumra - was born about 0800, lived in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. He married Countess Of Oppland Ascrida Rognvaldsdatter about 0846 while living in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. Countess Of Oppland Ascrida was born about 0804, lived in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. She was the daughter of Rognavald Olafsson. She died about 0890 in Maer,Norway . One of their 3 children was Earl Ragnvald "The Wise" Eysteinsson
13. Earl Ragnvald "The Wise" Eysteinsson - also known as: Earl of More and Romsdal - was born about 0830 in Maer, More Og Romsdal, Norway and died in 0890 in Maer, Norway . He married Countess of More Ragnhild Hrolfsson about 0853. Countess of More Ragnhild was born about 0848 in Norway. She is the daughter of Hrolf Nefia. They had a child named Count Rollo "The Dane" Rognvaldsson
14. Count Rollo "The Dane" Rognvaldsson - was born about 0846 in Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway and died about 0932 in Notre Dame, Rouen, Normandy, France . He married Duchess Poppa de Normandie after 0920. Duchess Poppa was born about 0872, lived in Evreux, Nuestria. She was the daughter of Gui Senlis and Mlle de Vermandois. She died in 0931 . One of their 2 children was Duke Guillaume I de Normandie
15. Duke Guillaume I de Normandie - also known as: Longue Epbee - was born about 0900, lived in Normandy, France and died on 17 Dec 0942 in France . He married Sprote de Bretagne about 0932 while living in Normandy, France. Sprote was born about 0911 in Bretagne, France. She is the daughter of Count Hubert of Senlis. They had a child named Duke Richard I de Normandie
16. Duke Richard I de Normandie - also known as: Sans Peur - was born on 28 Aug 0933, lived in Fecamp, Normandie, France and died on 20 Nov 0996 while living in Fecamp, Normandie, France . As one of his 2 wives, he married Gunnor de Crepon after 0962 in France. Gunnor was born about 0936 in Normandy, France. She was the daughter of King Harald Gormsson "Blaatand (Bluetooth)" of Denmark I and Queen Gyrithe (Cyrid) Olafsdotter. She died in 1031 in France . One of their 3 children was Duke Richard II "The Good" de Normandie
17. Duke Richard II "The Good" de Normandie - also known as: The Good - was born about 0963 in Normandy, France and died on 28 Aug 1027 in Fecamp, Normandie, France . As one of his 2 wives, he married Judith de Bretagne about 1000 in Normandy, France. Judith was born in 0982, lived in Bretagne, France. She was the daughter of Duke Conan I of Bretagne and Ermangarde D'Anjou. She died on 16 Jun 1017 while living in Normandy, France . One of their 4 children was Duke Robert I "The Magnificent" de Normandie
18. Duke Robert I "The Magnificent" de Normandie - was born about 1003 in Normandy, France and died on 22 Jul 1035 in Nicea, Bithynia, Turkey . He married Herleva de Falaise about 1023 in Not Married. Herleva was born about 1003 in Falaise, Clavados, France. She was the daughter of Fulbert de Falaise and Doda of Falaise. She died in 1050 . One of their 2 children was King Guillaume "Le Conquerant" de Normandie
19. King Guillaume "Le Conquerant" de Normandie - also known as: Willam The Conqueror - was born on 14 Oct 1024 in Falaise, Calvados, Normandy, France and died on 9 Sep 1087 in Hemmenbraville, Rouen, Normandie and was buried in Abbey of St. Stephen, Caen, France . He married Queen Matilda van Vlaanderen in 1053. Queen Matilda was born about 1031, lived in Flandres. She was the daughter of Count Badouin V of Flanders and Countess Adele of France. She died on 2 Nov 1083 in Caen, France . One of their 3 children was King Henry I "Beauclerc" of England
20. King Henry I "Beauclerc" of England - was born in 1068 in Shelby, Yorkshire, England and died Dec 1135 in St. Denis, Seine-St.Denis, France and was buried in Reading Abbey, Berkshire, England . As one of his 3 wives, he married Princess Matilda of Scotland on 11 Nov 1100 in England. Princess Matilda was born about 1070/1080 in Dunfermine, Fifeshire, Scotland. She was the daughter of King Malcolm III "Ceanmor (Longneck)" of Scotland and Queen Margaret of Scotland. She died on 1 May 1118 in Westminster, Middlesex, England . One of their 2 children was Queen Matilda
21. Queen Matilda - was born in 1104 in Middlesex, England and died on 10 Sep 1169 in Abbey of Notre Dame des Prés, Rouen and was buried in Fontevraud Abbey, Anjou, France . She married Count Geoffrey V "le Bon" - "The Handsome" Plantagenet on 22 May 1128 in Le Mans Cathedral, Anjou. Count Geoffrey was born on 24 Aug 1113 in Anjou, France. He was the son of Count Fouiques V of Anjou and Ermengarde Du Maine. He died on 7 Sep 1151 in Chateau, France and was buried in Mans, St. Julian's Church . They had a child named King Henry II "Curtmantle" Plantagenet
22. King Henry II "Curtmantle" Plantagenet - was born on 5 Mar 1132 in Sarthe, France and died on 3 Jul 1189 in Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, France and was buried on 19 Dec 1154 in Westminster Abbey, London, England. As one of his 2 wives, he married Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine on 18 May 1152 in Bordeaux, Gironde, France. Queen Eleanor was born in 1123 in Chateau De Belin, Bordeaux, Aquitaine. She was the daughter of Duke Guillaume X of Aquitaine and Eleanor de Chatellerault. She died on 31 Mar 1204 in Poitiers, Poitou, Aquitaine . One of their 9 children was Princess Eleanor of England
23. Princess Eleanor of England - was born on 13 Oct 1162 in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Burgos, Spain and died on 25 Oct 1214 in Las Huelgas, Burgos, Burgos, Spain and was buried in Las Huelgas, Castile, Spain . She married King Alfonso VIII Sanchez "The Noble" of Castile on 22 Sep 1177 in Burgos, Burgos, Castile. King Alfonso was born on 11 Nov 1155 in Soria, Castile. He was the son of King Sancho III Alfonsez "The Desired" of Castile and Princess Blanca of Navarre. He died on 6 Oct 1214 in Gutierre Munoz, Avila, Castile . One of their 2 children was Queen Berengeula of Castile
24. Queen Berengeula of Castile - was born Jan/Jun 1180 in Burgos, Burgos, Castile and died on 8 Nov 1246 in Burgos, Burgos, Castile . She married King Alfonso IX Fernandez of Leon and Castile Dec 1197 (annulled) in Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. King Alfonso was born on 15 Aug 1171 in Zamora, Leon, Spain. He was the son of King Fernando II Alfonez of Leon and Queen Urraca Affonsez Leon. He died on 24 Sep 1230 in Villaneuva De Sarria, Lugo, spain . One of their 2 children was King Fernando III "The Saint" of Castile and Leon
25. King Fernando III "The Saint" of Castile and Leon - was born on 5/10 Aug 1201 in Leon, Leon, Spain and died on 30 May 1252 in Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain . He married Jeanne de Dammartin in 1237 in Burgos, Burgos, spain. Jeanne was born about 1216 in Dammartin, France. She was the daughter of Count Simon II de Dammartin and Countess Marie of Ponthieu & Montreuil. She died on 15 Mar 1279 in Abbeville, France . They had a child named Princess Leonor of Castile and Leon
26. Princess Leonor of Castile and Leon - was born in 1244, lived in Burgos, Burgos, Spain and died on 29 Nov 1290 in Herdeby, Lincolnshire, England . She married King Edward I "Longshanks" Plantagenet on 18 Oct 1254 in Burgos, Burgos, Spain. King Edward was born on 17 Jun 1239 in Westminster, London, England. He was the son of King Henry III Plantagenet and Eleanor Berenger de Provence. He died on 8 Jul 1307 in Burgh-On-The-Sands, Cumberland, England . One of their 3 children was Princess Elizabeth of England
27. Princess Elizabeth of England - was born on 7 Aug 1282 in Rhuddlan Castle, Flintshire, Wales and died on 5 May 1316 in Quendon, Essex, England . She married Humphrey de Bohun VIII on 14 Nov 1302 in Westminster Abbey, London, England. Humphrey was born about 1276 in Pleshy Castle, Essex, England.. He was the son of Humphrey de Bohun VII and Maud de Fiennes. He died on 16 Mar 1321 in Battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire . One of their 4 children was Aeneas de Bohun
28. Aeneas de Bohun - was born about 1314 in Caldecot, Northampton, England and died about 1343 . She married Robert de Ferrers. Robert was born on 25 Mar 1309 in Chartley, Straffordshire, England. He was the son of Sir John de Ferrers and Hawise de Muscegros. He died on 28 Aug 1350 . One of their 2 children was Baron Robert de Ferrers
29. Baron Robert de Ferrers - died on 31 Dec 1380 . He married Elizabeth le Boteler. Elizabeth was born about 1345. She was the daughter of Baron William le Boteler IV and Joan de Sudeley. She died on 19 Jun 1410 . One of their 2 children was Lord Robert Ferrers
30. Lord Robert Ferrers - was born about 1370, lived in Chartley,Stafford,England and died before 29 Nov 1396 . He married Countess Joan de Beaufort about 1392. Countess Joan was born on 29 Jan 1374/1375 in Beaufort Castle, Anjon, France. She was the daughter of Duke John of Gaunt and Catherine de Roet. She died on 13 Nov 1440 in Howden, Yorkshire, England . One of their 2 children was Elizabeth Ferrers
31. Elizabeth Ferrers - was born about 1393, lived in Chartley, Staffordshire, England and died about 1434 in York, Yorkshire, England . She married John Greystoke on 28 Oct 1407. John was born in 1389 in Owesley, Yorkshire, England. He died on 8 Aug 1436 in Northamptonshire, England and was buried in Greystoke, Northumberland, England . They had a child named Ralph Greystoke
32. Ralph Greystoke - was born in 1408, lived in Geystoke manor, Northumberland, England and died on 1 Jun 1487 in Kirkham, Northumberland, England . He married Elizabeth FitzHugh. Elizabeth was born about 1409 in Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England. She was the daughter of Baron Henry FitzHugh and Elizabeth Grey. She died on 20 Mar 1468 in Greystoke, Northumberland, England . They had a child named Joan Greystoke
33. Joan Greystoke - was born in 1428 in Greystoke, Northumberland, England. She married William Bowes about 1415 in Durham, England. William was born about 1379 in Durham, England. He was the son of Sir Robert Bowes and Joan Conyers. He died in 1465 in Streatlam, Durham, England . They had a child named Williiam Bowes
34. Williiam Bowes - was born in 1446 in Streatlam Castle, Durham, England and died in 1466 in Streatlam, Durham, England . He married Maud FitzhHugh. Maud was born about 1446 in Ravensworth, Yorkshire, England. She is the daughter of William FitzHugh and Margaret Willoughby. They had a child named Ralph Bowes
35. Ralph Bowes - was born on 1 Sep 1468 in Streatlam, Durham, England and died before 3 Jul 1482 in Streatlam, Durham, England . He married Margaret Conyers. Margaret was born about 1470 in Cowton South, Yorkshire, England. She was the daughter of Sir Richard Conyers and Alice Wycliffe. She died on 12 Aug 1532 . One of their 2 children was Richard Bowes
36. Richard Bowes - was born about 1497, lived in Streatlam, Durham, England and died on 10 Apr 1558 . He married Elizabeth Aske in 1521. Elizabeth was born in 1505. She was the daughter of Roger Aske and Margaret Wycliffe. She died in 1568 . One of their 4 children was Ralph Bowes
37. Ralph Bowes - was born about 1529, lived in Streatlam, Durham, England. He married Elizabeth Clifford about 1509. Elizabeth was born about 1490, lived in Yorkshire, England. They had a child named Margery Bowes
38. Margery Bowes - was born about 1514 in Yorkshire, England. She married Ralph Eure about 1527. Ralph was born on 24 Sep 1508 in Mitton, Yorks, England. He died on 6 Mar 1544/1545 . They had a child named William Eure
39. William Eure - was born about 1533 in Mitton, Yorks, England and died on 12 Feb 1593/1594 and was buried in Ingleby, Yorkshire, England . He married Margaret Dymoke before 1558. Margaret was born about 1529 in Scrivelsby, Lincoln, England. She was buried on 15 Sep 1591 in Ingleby, Yorkshire, EnglandThey had a child named Muriel Eure
40. Muriel Eure - was born in 1557 in Ribston, Yorkshire, England. She married Richard Goodricke Jr on 4 Nov 1578 in Ingleby, Yorkshire, England. Richard was born about 1550 in Ribston, Yorkshire, England. He was the son of Richard Goodricke Sr and Clare Norton. He died on 21 Sep 1601 in Ribston, Yorkshire, England . One of their 9 children was Richard Goodrich
41. Richard Goodrich - was born about 1590 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. He married Dinah. Dinah was born about 1620 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. One of their 5 children was Lydia Goodrich
42. Lydia Goodrich - was born about 1644 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. She married James Evarts on 14 Jan 1660 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. James was born on 19 Jul 1638 in Concord, MA. He was the son of John Evarts and Elizabeth Heyden. He died Apr 1682 in Guilford, New Haven, CT . One of their 10 children was John Evarts
43. John Evarts - was born in 1664 in Guilford, New Haven, CT and died in Guilford, New Haven, CT . He married Sarah Crampton on 23 Oct 1688 in Guilford, New Haver, CT. Sarah was born on 17 Dec 1669 in Guilford, New Haven, CT. She is the daughter of Dennis Crampton and Sarah Hall. One of their 7 children was Patience Evarts
44. Patience Evarts - was born on 2 May 1695 in Guilford, New Haven, CT and died on 24 Apr 1770 in Coventry, Conn. . As one of her 3 husbands, she married Benjamin Jones Sr.. Benjamin was born in 1696 in Pascommuck, Conn.. He was the son of Benoni Jones and Hester Ingersoll. He died on 1 Feb 1783 in Coventry, Conn and was buried in Samsfield . One of their 9 children was Ebenezer Jones
45. Ebenezer Jones - was born on 4 Apr 1718 in Coventry, Conn. and died in 1800 in Sanisfield, Ma and was buried in Beech Plain Cemetary . As one of his 2 wives, he married Zerviah Loomis on 4 Dec 1745 in Coventry, Conn.. Zerviah was born on 24 Sep 1724 in Lebanon, Ct. She was the daughter of Zackariah Loomis and Joanna Abel. She died in 1808 in Sanisfield, Ma . One of their 11 children was Miles Jones Sr.
46. Miles Jones Sr. - was born on 28 Jul 1764 in Coventry, Conn. and died on 17 Apr 1812 in Otis, Ma and was buried in West Center Cemetery . He married Mehitable Adams on 28 Nov 1792 in Otis, Mass.. Mehitable was born on 7 Jun 1771 in Sandisfield, Ma. She was the daughter of Samuel Adams and Sarah Clark. She died on 8 May 1812 in Otis, Ma. and was buried in West Center Cemetery . One of their 10 children was Miles Jones Jr.
47. Miles Jones Jr. - was born on 6 Nov 1794 in Otis, Mass. and died on 8 Feb 1885 in Elmwood Illinois . He married Pamela Ketchum Turner on 6 Nov 1822 in Ellery, Chautauqua, Ny. Pamela was born on 2 Sep 1805 in Sidney, Hastings, Ontario, Canada. She was the daughter of Asa Turner and Isabel Ketchum. She died on 1 May 1883 in Elmwood Illinois . One of their 7 children was Sarah Maria Jones
48. Sarah Maria Jones - was born on 18 Apr 1831 in Near Jamestown, N.Y. and died on 10 Dec 1910 in Galesburg, Ill and was buried in Hope Cemetery, Elmwood Ill. . She married William Douglas on 5 Oct 1852 in Victoria District, Ontario. William was born on 15 Sep 1830 in Canada. He was the son of Thomas Douglass and Mary Ann Seeley. He died on 15 Jul 1896 in Elmwood, Ill and was buried in Hope Cemetery . One of their 6 children was William Henry Douglas
49. William Henry Douglas - was born on 26 Aug 1853 in Canada and died on 22 Nov 1923 in Peoria, Ill. and was buried in Hope Cemetery, Elmwood, Ill. . He married Blanche Amy Hoffman on 8 Jun 1892 in Elmwood, Ill. Blanche was born on 1 Jul 1867 in Marianna, Ark.. She was the daughter of Rutledge Thorton Hoffman and Emeline Dixon. She died on 3 Aug 1946 in Peoria, Ill. and was buried in Elmwood, Ill. . One of their 3 children was Norma Elizabeth Douglass
The Our Folk Genealogy Pages were compiled by Albert Douglass Hart, Jr. with help from Albert Douglass Hart Sr, Albert Thomas Hart, Cara Hart, Woody Hart and lots of other family members.
Based on "Our Folk" compiled by Albert Thomas Hart in 1972, and "Our Folk Revisited" compiled by Albert Douglass Hart, Jr in 1992 and the work of many family members - thank you to all of you.
To report errors or omissions, request information or share sources or photos, Please send email to Albert Douglass Hart, Jr.
Last change (on this page): Monday, January 09, 2006
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I recommend taking a look at this book:
Nice compilation of stuff.
Check this one - claiming to describe the last resort of the old Finnish kings;
Mahtava blogi! Itsekkin olen Suomen rautakautisen historian ja Fornjotr -saagan tutkijoita.
Mutta itselleni heräsi kysymyksiä tästä tekstistä.
Tuossa viimeisessä artikkelissa jossa luettelit Kveenien-suvun jälkeläisiä heräs sellanen huomio että noilla kaikilla on melko "Pohjois-Germaaniset" nimet kuten esim. King Kari Fornjotsson tai Jokull Frostasson.
Olivatko nämä kuitenkin samat nimet joilla suomenkieliset nimittivät heitä?
Any info on Fornjotor would be appreciated. That is where we start our family tree, but is there anything before that...
i just found out today that i am distant relative of Forn Jotson, King of Kvenland thru the robinson family Earnest Robinson my grandmother kathleen robinson
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