From Air Picture - Levitational activity with help of several Aeroplanes


Hafnarfjördur, Garðabær, Kópavogur, Reykjavík
Alcoa aluminium factory
Greater Reykjavík area

Reykjavík harbour / city centre, Akranes
Les Capitoles Islandunus
Snæfellsnesjökull in far distance

Somewhere in Norway, mountainplate near by Bergen
Somewhere in Norway, mountainplate near by Bergen

Sweden, near by Arlanda Internationa Airport (by the way, they have the hardest toiletpaper there compared to any other airport what i have visited)
Near by Krindavík, Iceland
Keflavík Air base, with a huge golfball

Selfoss and Ingólfsfell

A river, dunno name...
Somewhere, here with some, sohe reme w.....
Peasant activity by a small river
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