Valokuvatorstai haaste 61 / photo thursday challenge 61 "On olemassa kursiivinen melankolia"

This picture was taken in Riga (summer 2007), Andrejsala, dock area where loads of young artist activities and underground culture..
Labels: adrejsala, kursiivinen melankolia, photo thursday, riga, valokuvatorstai
Funny coincidence, my "cursive melancholia" (never heard the word cursive being used...) picture was also taken in Riga, this summer, along one of the main roads leading to the old city center.
Erikoinen kuva.
Memmu: the house looks familiar, I bet I saw it too last summer. It is funny that i sensed somekind of melancholia amongst the Latvians, it is hard to explain but it has to be connected to their history..
I agree with you on the Latvian melancholia - there is something lingering, hanging around, something that is absent e.g. in the neighbouring Estonia. It's like what you see around is this perfectly normal European scenery, except that suddenly you are confronted with something unbelievably decrepit, desolate, neglected, in the middle of all the normalcy and you start wondering what that is all about and how is it really with these people. Fascinating, though.
funny shot...and melancholic too...somehow :)
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