Fifth Element - Exhibition - Opening 04.08.2006

The Fifth Element Exhibition Opening night at Gallerie Spectra, Kristiinankaupunki, 04/08/2006 @ 16:00
- everything was ready just in a last moment before the opening, it ended up as a group effort; Vala and Kristin were helping to put the paintings and pictures on walls. Ine, Yngvild and Thomas were translating the exhibition text to swedish. Eva helped to put the service table up... and etc.. But eventually we made it together.
We were serving Icelandic specialities, whale garpacio, dried catfish, rotten shark, Brennivin and wine. We were playing Icelandic folk music. We managed to create a relaxed athmosphere and people really enjoyed to be there longer time, no rush back to home... maybe the free wine had something to do with it too...

Whale, sil vous plate!!! raw and red [i am looking more like a dragula with blood in a mug, - but i am not vampire]

Da artist; Örn Helgason

Brennivin and wine were popular products, rotten shark less popular.. Yngvild and Ine came from Norway for opening. It was Yngvilds henn trip before getting married in one week time. (She was kiddnapped to Kristinestad when playing Kroket in Tromsö)

room 3

room 1, the Iceroom
Shapes from Nature 01
Shapes from Nature 02
Shapes from Nature 03 & 04
Landscape wall, room 1
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(text not valid due the deletion of the picture)People were enjoying the good athmosphere and warm weather at the courtyard of the Gallery Spectra.Servings were inside and Örn is checking that if the Brennivin is cold enough to drink..
Later on during the exhibition I stopped serving raw whale meat, instead I started to fry it to the guests when they arrived..
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Same day was Helena's birthday and we cooked a whale steak for her as a birtday present. Note, the decoration, a flower, decorating the food makes it taste better, even thou the food was excellent in the first place... heee.. ;)
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(text not valid due the deletion of the picture)Hmm.. I wonder what the photographer is doing because Vala is laughing :)
Mr.Aleksur is showing how to eat dried fish in right way, (with butter)..
The artists are posing with the birthday girl.
Charming, ha? ;) heee..
After few hours we had time to relax and enjoy fresments without hazzle
Waiting a taxi to after party....
After the opening party at the gallery we went to after party to Skogstorp in Bergisviken.. and we were vitnessing a fantastic sun set....
And then sauna and spanking with Vihta... ( I redused the picture size because people don't like to be reqocnized or something)
- sorry, no more pictures from the after party because it is almost impossible to carry camera when in sauna or swimming..... and I think its good also to leave some moments free of camera's presence....
Aleksur Thanks everybody for fantastic Exhibition, the party and support. - Till the next time - [to be continued]
Congrats with the exhibtion...
compliments :)
vúhú. gaman að rifja þetta upp!
You're so cute, bro!
I was requested to delete 3 pictures from this entry because there was a person on pictures that did not want it's appearance publicly. - i have to respect peoples privacy needs.
- sorry for any inconvienience (if this person is reading this)
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