Trip to Tromsö from Kristinestad 11/08/06
After handing over the exhibition duties to my cousin in Kristinestad, Erik, Torill, Vala and me, were heading towards North in aim to get Tromsö in 24 hours for wedding.Time was more or less 15:00 when we finally managed to hit the road. The weather was hot 29 degrees of celcius when we started. First stop was in Vaasa / Vasa where we bought new tires for the car and film for my video camera, of course we had a nice icecream in a market square in Vasa.
Due the hot weather and swett we desided to stop for a swim in Kalajoki, where is a fantastic sand beach with dunes and everything... felt like in Sahara... (even thou I haven't been there)
Somewhere after Oulu / Uleåborg we stopped a grill for food because the local Casoline station had just closed the kitchen... the burgers and fries were breatty discusting but fullfilling. That place was called Ii (ii).
We were driving the finnish side of Torneå dalen and the landscape started slowly to get more hilly. Next stop was between Kolari and Muonia in a resting place (see picture above beneath).

Torill is stretsing after many hours of driving...

I was playing with a camera; trying to make some figures out from full moon.

I was driving up til Muonio from Ii, the time when I was driving was the darkest and I have to be really carefull because there was raindeers on the road occationally. In Muonio we had a tasty sandwiches made by the girls earlier, they had put grilled chicken (what we were grilling previous night in open fire) and avocado, I have to say that that sandwich was one of the tastiest sandwiches ever...
The border between Finland and Norway is just a line in a map, you don't really feel that you have entered to a another country. Only reminder of Officials presence was a custom houses in both sides of border, which were closed for night.
The fysical evidence of the border was a pile of stones painted yellow with a stick in the middle.
When we arrived to Norway the landscape changed, Finland more flat and not so high and sharp mountins and Norway, big mountins with sharp figures..
Close of Tromsö, just have to cross the bridge and we would be in the downtown..
The Tromsö church is guarding by the entrance of the bridge.
Finally, after 16 hours of drinving we were in our destination, Erik and Torill's new home in Mellanvegen. We were having difficulties to find the keys but after hard chearch of 20 minutes the keys were found. Then we had a sandwich, snaps and beer before going to sleep for few hours before the wedding.
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